Accelerating Progress Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

Achievingour Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by the target date is a pressing undertaking that requires collaborative action on a global scale. We must progress, we need to enhance partnerships between stakeholders, leverage sustainable technologies, and empower individuals to be active participants in shaping a prosperous future. Prioritizin

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натуральные цветы: вечный очаг красоты

В мире, где ме Runnable времени часто заставляет нас, искусственные цветы предстают как непреходящий источник милосердия. Их сияние не меркнет со временем, а их благоухание, хотя и имитируемый, на

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Volkov Dmitry

Volkov Dmitry (born 9 July 1976 in Moscow) is an entrepreneur and theorist. He founded Social Discovery Group, an international online enterprise with headquarters in Malta, and possesses shares in Dating Group. In 2016, he established the SDG Foundation. He has obtained a PhD Volkov Dmitry in philosophical science and helped create the Moscow Ce

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